Saturday, October 31, 2020

October's Music. . . is pretty sad

 Sorry but I don't have diddly squat worth of music.
And yes I cheated the band is called Blue October and the song doesn't have anything to do with October. But after listening to 2 songs already I was just ready ya know? Jazz says Happy Hallowee–cough, oh sorry, Happy Reformation Day haha.

Not Broken Anymore by  Blue October

I also realized that I forgot to put titles on the last set of songs so. . . sorry not sorry. So here's, well, the few things new that I listened to. Whole lotta Bryan Adams due to the new CD I got at the thrift store.

Hotel California by  The Eagles

Run To You by  Bryan Adams

Somebody by  Bryan Adams
Hoist The Colours by  Hans Zimmer
NausicaƤ Of The Valley Of The Wind – Opening by  Joe Hisaishi

K, I got like five songs but trust me I was scrapping off the ocean floor of, well, an empty ocean. . . so the metaphor doesn't really work but you get the point!

If any of you dressed up, pls tell me what you were in the comments. If I decide to post a picture of mine then you'll see it then, but I might not and I'll let you know in the next post.

Allstate, you're in good hands.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

September's Music

I'm sorry,  but it's September.
this amazing song? HAHAHAHA

And I'm going to grace you with the music video:

September by  Earth, Wind, and Fire

AHHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA You will not get this song out of your head


K. Returning to my sanity.

I'm going to post October's music here soon sorry I'm falling apart. I've just been way too busy.

Coca-Cola. Catch the wave.