Saturday, August 22, 2020


     Most people "joining the work force," as my parents were fond of saying when I was job searching the first time, are not expecting to be perfectly happy. They're expecting a job at a fast food restaurant for a year or so, maybe less, and then moving on after they've done college or whatever. They expect to climb the ladder slowly by slowly, some make it. Some don't. 
    Me on the other hands, wanted something great that I would be content doing for a while. And oh did I find it.
    Some of you are familiar with a DQ. Dairy Queen. Fast food, I know. But see, I'm not just the person in the back blending blizzards. No no no, honey. I am the CAKE PERSON. ahahahahah. Something to be said for being a homeschooler and watching all those baking shows like a weirdo. And I am enjoying it! Perfectly happy. (Except for Fridays right now, I feel like I'm going to die). But that's where my creativity has been going the last couple months. So I finally figured out how to get pictures off my little slide phone (Cosmo LG 3, or something) onto my computer, so all the pictures of my cakes are now available for posting! YAYAYAYAY. For those curious, I've been working this for almost 2 months. I know, I should've gotten the pictures figured out sooner, but I'm really busy okayyyyy.
    So here we go (I've blurred out names on the cakes as a good privacy measure):
(Yes, the pictures weren't great, I was a bit rushed. Nor was my piping great, but doing it every week has imporved my piping immensely. This was also before I'd put the chocolate drizzle on)

Movin on, some more recent and better decorated stuff:

 (had to learn to do roses and enjoyed it immensely)
 (My first Treatza Pizza)

 SO yeah! That's why I've been a bit busy! But I'm glad I finally got it done yayayayayay!

Let me know your favorite cake from above! I'm curious to know what people like:)
 M&M, Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.

1 comment:

  1. OMWWW THEY LOOK /AMAZING/!!! I think my favorite is the blue happy birthday one. :D
