Saturday, June 27, 2020

June's Music

Finding a song for June proved to be difficult, so I finally just grabbed one I sorta liked:

Johnny And June by  Heidi Newfield

Onto the show! This month was tough, as I go through music like I go through men.

(That was joke, I couldn't pass up the opportunity).
But seriously, I found SO MUCH MUSIC THIS MONTH. Some of the songs are ones that I listened to nonstop at the beginning of the month. Then I found a lot more last week. So it was really hard to pick a few. So that's why I'm posting early to prevent me from adding anymore.

Castle Of Glass by  Linkin Park
Not my typical style of music, but I enjoyed the melody and story.

Wouldn't It Be Nice by  The Beach Boys
This song just makes me smile.

The Things We Do For Love by  10cc

Please Mr. Postman by  The Marvelettes

Drive By (Clean) by  Train
(This one contains a "scared as H-E-Double hockey-sticks")
I found I really like Train songs. I'm going to have to try more of their stuff.

Dance Monkey (Clean) by  Tones and I
(The only thing in it is the unappreciated variant of oh my gosh)
K, it's just catchy. You can't deny me that. Not to say the voice is my favorite, I've heard her sing more normal, she's got a good voice.

Nike, just do it.