Monday, March 30, 2020


Chalk tastes like chalk.
In case you were wondering.

Moving on. . .

   I like to draw with chalk on a regular basis. . . when it's nice. . . and I'm in the mood. . . so not as regular as you'd think.
   So I got a couple hours of sun the other day and did some chalk drawing. Then it literally poured like 3 hours later. . .

   But I got pictures! YAYAYAYAy.
 (It says all art was made while rollerblading)


Friday, March 27, 2020

March's Music

For once, I don't have much to say. The title is pretty self explanatory. If you're looking for some new music this is your place, my friend.

Imperial March  by John Williams
(You know I had to put it in here it has "march" in the title)

Beat It  by Michael Jackson

Break My Stride  by Matthew Wilder

Before You Go  by Lewis Capaldi
(K ya'll, this is a SAD song. It's about suicide, but it's sweet and beautiful. I love it. It's just sad)

Dynamite  by Taio Cruz
(Bringin' ya'll back to 2010!)

Renegade  by Styx
(Now back to the 80's. You're welcome)

Before He Cheats  by Carrie Underwood
(And before I lose ya'll, it's Carrie Underwood so don't worry. But she is a country artist and ya know, they sing about things like this. But it's Carrie Underwood ya'll. Her voice. . .)

Paint It Black  by Hidden Citizens

(For those of you familiar w/ Paint It Black, Another One Bites The Dust, and I Ran (So Far Away); yes, those are classic 80's songs written by the Rolling Stones, Queen, and A Flock Of Seagulls. These are amazing covers of them by Hidden Citizens, who do write their own music, but did 2 albums of covered 80's songs. These are my favs. of them)

Another One Bites The Dust  by Hidden Citizens

I Ran (So Far Away)  by Hidden Citizens

InuYasha Soundtrack  by Kaoru Wada

(You don't know what I went through to find who wrote this stupid soundtrack. Grr. I just threw a 20 min. compilation of the soundtrack in here but there is much more to and I just love the InuYasha soundtrack! I like to play it at night when I need to relax. It is quite soothing. I simply love the use of wind and string instruments. One of the songs I believe is in here, is InuYasha's Lullaby and I hum it to my baby cousin when I'm putting him down. Below is just the lullaby. The first part of the above compilation is mostly the song "Futari No Kimochi." Then it goes into the lullaby and other themes)

InuYasha's Lullaby  by Kaoru Wada

K, I saved my best for last sorry this is soooo long.

Girl On Fire  by Alicia Keys
(You're welcome)

There ya go! Contrary to what you might think due to my excessive use of "ya'll" this post, I don't have a country accent. When I email, text, or blog; I for some reason use it a lot. Sorry.

Hope you enjoy all this wonderful new music (if you haven't heard it). And that it's something fun to do in this boring time of being stuck at home.

What is your fav. song right now, and what is your fav. song from the above music?

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!
(You knew it was coming)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thoughts On A Distressed World

   Dearest friends, acquaintances, and people I will never know; right now our world is in quite the state of distress. And my heart goes out to all of them. It is very hard for all of us in other countries and here in America, whether you see and deal with the virus daily, or are living in fear that the virus is coming. Many Americans where I live are staying home as much as possible, and on a lighter note, I'm sure the Introverts are having a great time. XD
   Did you really think I could be serious the whole time? :) It was too good a joke to pass up! Sorry. . .
   I still have to work, and traffic is actually great! But again being more serious, I was driving home from work and I saw a sign over the freeway encouraging people to, "Stay home!" "Keep your distance!" and "Think of others!" I snorted and said "no" out loud to no one in particular. I do think it is important to try and make sure a major outbreak occurs, but it is difficult to watch a world live in fear. We've completely overhauled our lifestyles in order to prevent ourselves from getting the Corona Virus. And it saddens me. If I wasn't almost forced to, I wouldn't have changed anything. But most of my friends probably aren't willing to get together, and where would we go? Libraries, stores, and even parks are closed. And we all want to be practical and not have people to our homes.
   On the subject of living in fear, the first example that always comes to mind is Star Wars. Obviously.
   But I'm serious! I think of the Dark Ages (the 20 years between Revenge of the Sith & A New Hope) and how they always talk about the fact that the Empire rules through fear.

"Fear, will keep the local systems in line."
- Grand Moff Tarkin

   I myself find it so easy to be worried and afraid of the world events. If we let the fear control us it will change how we live.
   I recently had an epiphany about my main character from a story. The gimmick was that she was anger. Like a representation of anger. Then I realized she wasn't. She was fear, not anger. The reason she was anger was because she hadn't controlled her fear in her early life and it had blossomed to anger and misery. And as we know:

   I find myself often making decisions out of fear. And that's no good. It's easy. Fear can be good, it's a natural instinct. There's a Boba Fett quote that's something like, fear is good, it can keep you alive in a situation. And that was sad. . . I don't remember how that quote goes. But when your fear controls your life, it's no longer healthy.
   My mom sent me an article recently about COVID-19 and C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis wrote some stuff during the Atomic Age and it's just great. It totally applies to today. I've underlined my favorite parts, and just replace atomic bomb with coronavirus:

In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. “How are we to live in an atomic age?” I am tempted to reply: “Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.”

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors—anesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.

— “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948) in Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays

   So my brothers and sisters, I encourage you to stay strong. My mother said the other day concerning another person: "If it gives you peace to obsess and do all these things to prevent yourself from getting the virus, then do it. But if you're only getting more stressed from trying to protect yourself it isn't worth it." So be patient, strong, and know that God gives us hope. As Christians we don't have to worry because we know that we are going to Heaven if we die. But most of the world doesn't and that is why they panic. If they get COVID-19 and die, that's it for them. Their lives, boom, gone. It is quite sad. So don't panic. 'Cause even in the worst case scenario, (which hasn't happened) we have the hope of a new life after we die. And I can't wait!

So now please laugh at the corona virus with this hilarious parodies of Bohemian Rhapsody, and famous songs:

Transformers, more than meets the eye.

Saturday, March 21, 2020


I know, overwhelming new design. So sorry. But the plan is to keep this up till summer. We'll see how that goes though 'cause I'm a little overwhelmed too (laughing crying emoji)

   I personally love spring. . . when it cooperates. Which it rarely does where I live. This year it's actually been pretty good. I've been able to wear shorts a few times in the afternoons already. But the other day it totally did a little snow/hail thing for a minute and I was like seriously?
   But spring is when I'm freed from pants and layers. I get to run barefoot and redesign my fairy garden (you might be seeing a post about that soon, wink wink). I also get to help with a real garden, for like food and stuff. So thank you to spring for finally coming:) We've missed you.

Dominoes, we deliver

Monday, March 16, 2020

Treasure Dresser–I mean, Island

"Wow me, you've been blogging a lot!"
"Why yes I have, me! I've had a good dose of inspiration and a lot of down time!"
"Well that's great, me. :)"

And thus ends the conversation with myself. Yes, I've had a lot inspiration and a lot of photos of previous projects. As of right now, I have a lot of down time, and a hard time being creative to fill it. Also an extreme lack of social activity. But that's why blogs are so great! 'Cause you can talk about everything for as long as you want and your followers have no choice but to read it.

I'm kidding :)

As you saw in my Action Figure Photo Shoot, I like photographing figurines and the like. I do Legos a lot, and if you're ever going through my Pinterest boards (That would be here!) you know just how many Lego Star Wars pics. I've pinned (as in, not that many, but a few here and there).

And yes, I just advertised myself, so HA!

So all this to say, I came up with the idea to do a photo shoot of Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers finding a cave of treasure. It was inspired by my love of rocks and gems. I have soooo many and not a ton to use them for. And poof:
(Please comment your fav. of the photo shoot! The most loved one will be given a prize!. . . I haven't figured out the logistics yet ok?)

My favs. are the Stormtroopers carrying the bottle of gold and finding the minikit (the last photo). The only way I could get the "gold" bottle to stay was to tape it to the bottom trooper's back. And yes, there are two phase 2 clone troopers in there on accident :\

And yes, it took a long time to set up and take down.

Energizer. It keeps going and going and going.
 And so do my bad jokes!!! Hahahahahaha

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Stationary Tag

So. . .
Tags. . .
Still getting used to this so sorry if it's awkward :)

   I hath been tagged by the EPIC Miz MiddleEarthMusician at Music, Mystery, Middle Earth, and Mitochondria. So thanks MiddleEarthMusician :) This tag was created by ScribbledFiction. Yay:)

1) Share the image I made or link back to me [ScribbledFiction] cuz its my tag.
2) Answer the questions
3) Tag 3 more people when you're done!
(Sorry I'm kinda a dead end ya'll so knock yourselves out)

What's the most recent thing you've bought for your *cough* stash?
Well see, hehe, I didn't necessarily get stash, per sé, but rather something to stash my stash. And yes, I'm copyrighting AND trademarking (and whatever the R stands for) that ™®©. So moving on, I needed some serious reorganization help, 'cause my art and stationary supplies was kinda everywhere, so purchased this!:

Beautiful, I know.

Oh wait, I just remembered something else that's actually stash. . . These are just too cool, I found them at the World Market:

What's your favorite notebook and favorite pencil/pen?
So that's hard. 'Cause it goes in phases. I have favorites for the different purposes they serve. I really like this donut one for writing by hand when I'm not at home or don't want to be on a screen. Like late at night. I also carry a small notebook on me usually and I just started this little Star Wars one and I really like it:

Favorite pen/pencil. I have a few pens I really like, but I'm not a huge pencil person. The top pen is from Hawaii. They write very smoothly and I love them. Whenever someone is going to Hawaii I request a new one (or three). The middle is four-colored pen, that yes, is duck-taped. Finally this is a. . . I don't know what it's called but my mom has ones like this that are called Energy Gel X or something.

If you DIY your notebooks or pens, what's the best one you've done? (if you haven't, just tell us what you would DIY if you had the skillz).
K, this is a little embarrassing. . . I have some that I did as a part of AWANA. My teacher would get us each a notebook and bring pretty paper and accessories so we could decorate them. Now, LISTEN. Mine were gorgeous! I'm not kidding. But I was 10-12 yrs. old, and they've seen the love. I liked to draw on the patterns of the pretty paper with full knowledge that it was going to ruin them. . . and yes, I regret it. But I also know that it's ok, they've been loved. So just imagine what they would've look like without all the pen, and the strips of washi tap that were not a part of the original design.

Do you have any cute erasers? If you do, let's see them!
If I haven't already said this, I have been quite the My Little Pony fan at various points in my life. Right now I'm not, but I have these awesome little My Little Pony erasers:) K, 2 of these are real pony figures and 2 are erasers. I'll give you the answer at the end of the post.

What's the piece of stationary you have but don't use because it's too nice?
I have this beautiful notebook I was given as a birthday present that I haven't really used. I've written a couple things in it, but I kinda don't want to ruin it. But I feel good about using it for a journal once I need a new one. Also those new colored stick pencils.

And finally, show us your full stationary collection. If you want, you can even include numbers.
Oh don't worry, I will :)

Brace yourselves. . . I have 30 notebooks. . .

Ok, no numbers for this one and I didn't want to lay it all out.

No numbers again and yeah. This is mostly it, there's a couple other things laying around, but I think ya'll get the picture:)

So boom!

The orange earth-pony in the middle and the purple, non-sparkly, pink haired Pegasus on the left are the 2 erasers :)

I tag: BOB, JOE, and (get this) BOB AGAIN!!! lol

Feel free to comment to this question: Do you think I have too many notebooks? 'Cause I think I do ;)

So Subway, eat fresh.

Monday, March 9, 2020

St. Patrick's Day

I'm not kidding, I literally SCOURED the internet for a gif of Sensei Wu saying GWEEEEN from the Lego Ninjago movie and could not find one. :( So I'm pretty heartbroken. So here's a couple gifs of green stuff to make up for it:

With St. Patrick's Day a week (and one day) away, it seemed proper to discuss it and all things green. Now, I'm going to have comments enabled for this one so that I can let you in on this one. But don't go crazy. :)

In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, the blog has been green-a-fied and will remain so until the 20th on which spring begins. If you're wondering why I put the picture in the post it's so I can see it later and remember it. Kinda a record of the blog's different looks:)

St. Patrick's Day

So how many of you have a mother or grandmother who will make you green food on St. Patrick's Day? *raises hand* Yes, green food is made at my house usually for breakfast. Green pancakes, cereal, etc. Sometimes, it's totally recognizable and sometimes it's. . . not. . .

(Yes I've never used this gif, but figured the perfect opportunity would eventually present itself and today it has)

Green also must be worn. . . OR ELSE.
The pinching will commence sometimes before you've gotten out of bed. I personally wear a bright green shirt to bed so I won't be attacked before I've eaten a proper green breakfast. Some unnamed members of my family and extended family will use excuses and claim that their underpants are green. And no one wants to make them prove that. But me, green head to toe and I usually will paint my face green just to be safe. I did Darth Maul face paint in green one year.

Lastly, my favorite "green character." A "green character" is a character that wears or is mostly green.
Drum roll. . . .

LINK!!!! From the Legend of Zelda video games. I just finished Ocarina of Time the other day and Just started Majora's Mask so wish me Link! I mean luck :)

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Action Figure Photo Shoot

 A photo shoot I did last summer-ish

I'm running out of jingles. . .