Friday, March 13, 2020

The Stationary Tag

So. . .
Tags. . .
Still getting used to this so sorry if it's awkward :)

   I hath been tagged by the EPIC Miz MiddleEarthMusician at Music, Mystery, Middle Earth, and Mitochondria. So thanks MiddleEarthMusician :) This tag was created by ScribbledFiction. Yay:)

1) Share the image I made or link back to me [ScribbledFiction] cuz its my tag.
2) Answer the questions
3) Tag 3 more people when you're done!
(Sorry I'm kinda a dead end ya'll so knock yourselves out)

What's the most recent thing you've bought for your *cough* stash?
Well see, hehe, I didn't necessarily get stash, per sé, but rather something to stash my stash. And yes, I'm copyrighting AND trademarking (and whatever the R stands for) that ™®©. So moving on, I needed some serious reorganization help, 'cause my art and stationary supplies was kinda everywhere, so purchased this!:

Beautiful, I know.

Oh wait, I just remembered something else that's actually stash. . . These are just too cool, I found them at the World Market:

What's your favorite notebook and favorite pencil/pen?
So that's hard. 'Cause it goes in phases. I have favorites for the different purposes they serve. I really like this donut one for writing by hand when I'm not at home or don't want to be on a screen. Like late at night. I also carry a small notebook on me usually and I just started this little Star Wars one and I really like it:

Favorite pen/pencil. I have a few pens I really like, but I'm not a huge pencil person. The top pen is from Hawaii. They write very smoothly and I love them. Whenever someone is going to Hawaii I request a new one (or three). The middle is four-colored pen, that yes, is duck-taped. Finally this is a. . . I don't know what it's called but my mom has ones like this that are called Energy Gel X or something.

If you DIY your notebooks or pens, what's the best one you've done? (if you haven't, just tell us what you would DIY if you had the skillz).
K, this is a little embarrassing. . . I have some that I did as a part of AWANA. My teacher would get us each a notebook and bring pretty paper and accessories so we could decorate them. Now, LISTEN. Mine were gorgeous! I'm not kidding. But I was 10-12 yrs. old, and they've seen the love. I liked to draw on the patterns of the pretty paper with full knowledge that it was going to ruin them. . . and yes, I regret it. But I also know that it's ok, they've been loved. So just imagine what they would've look like without all the pen, and the strips of washi tap that were not a part of the original design.

Do you have any cute erasers? If you do, let's see them!
If I haven't already said this, I have been quite the My Little Pony fan at various points in my life. Right now I'm not, but I have these awesome little My Little Pony erasers:) K, 2 of these are real pony figures and 2 are erasers. I'll give you the answer at the end of the post.

What's the piece of stationary you have but don't use because it's too nice?
I have this beautiful notebook I was given as a birthday present that I haven't really used. I've written a couple things in it, but I kinda don't want to ruin it. But I feel good about using it for a journal once I need a new one. Also those new colored stick pencils.

And finally, show us your full stationary collection. If you want, you can even include numbers.
Oh don't worry, I will :)

Brace yourselves. . . I have 30 notebooks. . .

Ok, no numbers for this one and I didn't want to lay it all out.

No numbers again and yeah. This is mostly it, there's a couple other things laying around, but I think ya'll get the picture:)

So boom!

The orange earth-pony in the middle and the purple, non-sparkly, pink haired Pegasus on the left are the 2 erasers :)

I tag: BOB, JOE, and (get this) BOB AGAIN!!! lol

Feel free to comment to this question: Do you think I have too many notebooks? 'Cause I think I do ;)

So Subway, eat fresh.

1 comment:

  1. AHH LOVE ALL THE PICTURES. <33 And wow, you do have a lot of notebooks. X'D But I don't think too many, not at all. XP THOSE pencils are BEAUTIFUL okay. :-O
