Monday, March 9, 2020

St. Patrick's Day

I'm not kidding, I literally SCOURED the internet for a gif of Sensei Wu saying GWEEEEN from the Lego Ninjago movie and could not find one. :( So I'm pretty heartbroken. So here's a couple gifs of green stuff to make up for it:

With St. Patrick's Day a week (and one day) away, it seemed proper to discuss it and all things green. Now, I'm going to have comments enabled for this one so that I can let you in on this one. But don't go crazy. :)

In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, the blog has been green-a-fied and will remain so until the 20th on which spring begins. If you're wondering why I put the picture in the post it's so I can see it later and remember it. Kinda a record of the blog's different looks:)

St. Patrick's Day

So how many of you have a mother or grandmother who will make you green food on St. Patrick's Day? *raises hand* Yes, green food is made at my house usually for breakfast. Green pancakes, cereal, etc. Sometimes, it's totally recognizable and sometimes it's. . . not. . .

(Yes I've never used this gif, but figured the perfect opportunity would eventually present itself and today it has)

Green also must be worn. . . OR ELSE.
The pinching will commence sometimes before you've gotten out of bed. I personally wear a bright green shirt to bed so I won't be attacked before I've eaten a proper green breakfast. Some unnamed members of my family and extended family will use excuses and claim that their underpants are green. And no one wants to make them prove that. But me, green head to toe and I usually will paint my face green just to be safe. I did Darth Maul face paint in green one year.

Lastly, my favorite "green character." A "green character" is a character that wears or is mostly green.
Drum roll. . . .

LINK!!!! From the Legend of Zelda video games. I just finished Ocarina of Time the other day and Just started Majora's Mask so wish me Link! I mean luck :)

You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?


  1. /GREEN/ <33
    I don't own much green so I don't usually wear any on St. Patrick's day, but I love the color. Ooh congrats on finishing Ocarina of Time!!! :D And the gifs are A+. X"D

    1. I knowwwww!
      I actually don't wear much green as I only really like "perfect green" (the green that like officially represents green in all it's green-ness. . . I should've put that in the post!). But I have at least one shirt usually, St. Patrick's Day knee-high socks, and a green headband :)
