Sunday, May 3, 2020

A Star Wars. . . Thang (For Lack Of A Better Title)

So listen up Jedi.
So this was originally supposed to be a post for when Rise of Skywalker came out. . .
Obviously I didn't finish it in time.
So I scrapped the paragraph I'd written talking about how the movie was about to come out and I figured I should do a post about Star Wars.
So yeah.
Star Wars $)

I have a problem.

So I guess I'm kind of doing a tag. Answering questions, sharing favorites, and Forcing other bloggers to do it. I'm sure there is other tags like this, but whatever.

1) Your Star Wars story.
   My dad liked Star Wars, and we had the special edition-silver-whatever collection of the Original Trilogy. My brother was gifted all kinds of Star Wars things (toys and books (and such)). When I was like 7-ish my dad let us watch 4, 5, & 6. Then we borrowed The Phantom Menace from my grandparents. But I didn't really understand it. But watching Star Wars with dad was a treat 'cause it was long and mom didn't really want to watch it. Eventually Star Wars became my brother's LIFE. And finally it became mine. . . right as my brother was kind of done with it :( And now I LIVE & BREATH Star Wars.

2) Favorite Characters.
  -Mara Jade Skywalker is my favorite by far.

 -Next would be the Solo kids; Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo Fel, & Anakin Solo:

(L to R: Anakin, Jacen, Jaina)

(L to R: Jacen, Anakin, Jaina)

-And Luke & Mara's son, Ben Skywalker (whom there aren't any good pictures of. I usually imagine him to look a lot like Luke and Anakin, but with "flame-red hair," as the books describe him):

-And lastly Luke & R2-D2:

Alright, rapid fire:

3) Fav. Episode:
   V, The Empire Strikes Back

4) Fav. trio & fav. duo:
   The Solo kids and Scorch & Sev.

5) Fav. couple:
   Luke & Mara

6) Lightsaber color:

7) Fav. Clone
   This one is hard. I love Rex, like just about everyone. And I love the Republic Commandos. Specifically Fi Skirata and Scorch. And Boba! He's a clone :)


8) Taken a "What Star Wars Character are you," quiz? Who R U?
   Luke Skywalker.

9) Fav. episode of the Clone Wars (if you've seen it)
   emmmm. . . BRAIN INVADERS!!!! Not. I like Clone Cadets. Also the Mortis episodes. Those were cool. Also the ones where they discover the chips 'cause Tup looses it. THE ENDING WAS SO SAD!!!!! But basically I like the ones w/ like, the main group. Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Obi-wan, etc. and they're just fighting the war.

10) Fav. Star Wars quote:
   I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee!!! Lol no.  Um, I love: "Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy." "I find your lack of faith disturbing." "It's a trap!" And "Why don't you use your divine influence to get us out of this."

11) Fav. Scene:
   I love when Yoda talks about the Force in the Empire Strikes Back. And when Luke looks out at the Twin Suns setting.
   To go into the books, I love this scene where Scorch & Sev (mentioned above) are about to go diving in the water to search for a lab. So Scorch is super happy and thwacking his flippers on the floor and it's totally annoying Sev 'cause Sev doesn't like water. Then once they're in the water. Scorch is like: "Wow! Look at that!" and Sev says, "It's a fish, Scorch. You'll get over it. So will the fish." And I just love it 'cause it's a sum up of me and my brother. I'm Scorch and he's Sev.
   Then when Mara dies in Legacy of the Force, there's this part where it cuts to Luke & Jaina flying in their X-wings. And the line is: "In the cockpit of his StealthX heading for Hapes, Luke Skywalker felt a hand brush his hair, and as he reached out involuntarily to touch it, he knew his world had ended."
. . .
*Dies sobbing*

So on that happy note! I'm going to end the post!
I'm kidding one more.

12) Fav. Star Wars book (if you've read one):
   This is really hard. So how about my top 3?

Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice

New Jedi Order: Star By Star
Republic Commando: Triple Zero

That was a lot of work. Tell me about your answers in the comments!

May the Force be w/ you

1 comment:


    Ooh this is a cool tag! :D

    1. My dad's a Star Wars fanatic, so once he decided we were all old enough to watch them, we embarked on a glorious voyage of SW-ness and have never looked back. XD

    2. Hera Syndulla, Rey, Ezra Bridger, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Han Solo, Poe Dameron, The Mandalorian, Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars, mostly), Ahsoka Tano...yeah I'll be done now. XD

    3. Either Return of the Jedi or Revenge of the Sith, followed closely by Rise of Skywalker.

    4. Ummm...Rey, Finn, and Poe and Anakin/Obi-Wan or Mando/Baby XD.

    5. Hera and Kanan. <33

    6. Black/Dark

    7. REX <33

    8. I've gotten Darth Vader, Yoda, Boba Fett, Kylo Ren, Anakin, and Padme.

    9. I like the ones when they discover the chips too-also the Boba Fett ones and the Mortis ones.

    10. "Do or do not, there is no try" and "I have spoken". XD

    11. All of them. Every one. Even the cringe worthy ones.

    12. I've only read one or two and I can't remember what they were called now. X'D
