Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fairy Garden 2020

   So I kind of afore mentioned this post by bringing up that I'd be posting "soon" about my fairy garden. Part of the problem is it's been changing a lot lately. I bought a raunuculus (said "ranucula") which was GORGEOUS, but it dies after it's early spring bloom. Now I've got almost all the flowers I want, but I'm holding out for these baby Fuchsias I saw last year. But I'd already filled my garden. They came later, so I'm just waiting.
   This year I went for a very GARDEN look. I've done forest, beach, camping, and others recently, but this year I really wanted GARDEN. I got this really cute gazebo a couple years back from Hobby Lobby (in case they didn't keep carrying them) and wanted to use it for the garden theme. So here it is:

   So the yellow flowers are Carabachia, the blue and white ones are Violas, the red and ground cover thing to the right I don't know, the tall thing on the right is a snap dragon, and the white/pink flowers are dianthus. In the little yellow glass thing is chives.

    The pictures are kind of in a weird order and I didn't want to completely rearrange 'em so I just made sure the important ones are at the top. Anyway. I'm probably not spelling carabochia right okay. Fairies welcome!

Off to Neverland!