Thursday, May 7, 2020

Sewing Pt. II

   I'm on top of it! I know what you're thinking:

   Say what you will, I really am! I had to sew a dummy of the skirt to ensure that a 12 was too big 'cause when we took the measurements and compared it to the package, I was an 8 everywhere except the waist, where I was size 12. . .
   Science $)

   Also, Congrats you'all on making it through April!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY. A lot of us of consumed more chocolate this month than we have in our entire life. . .

   I bet all of you have gained at least a couple pounds. Even I, who hasn't budged in weight for YEARS has finally beat my record weight! (by like .6 lbs.)

   So now I've got half of a mix-matched dress that I kind of like:

   And for the actual dress, I've got the front panels down and I'm almost done with getting the top piece all attached (I have to restitch the facing which you can't see it's on the inside).

(Do you like my socks? They're ice cream cones)
Once I've done that, I can start sewing the back panels together. Then I get to do a zipper. Yaaaaay.

Then I'll attach the straps and lining to the the back and finally sew the back to the front. And lastly I'll hem it! BOOM

   HAHAHAHAHA. Nah, actually most days of sewing end in tears. Like yesterday!

It's not wise to upset a Wookiee.